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Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0.22-13.1

Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0.22-13.1 includes all of the features and bug fixes available in Percona Server for MySQL. See the corresponding release notes for Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.22-13 for more details on these changes.

This release fixes security vulnerability CVE-2021-27928, a similar issue to CVE-2020-15180


  • PXC-3575: Implement package changes for SELinux and AppArmor

  • PXC-3115: Create Default SELinux and AppArmor policy

Bugs Fixed

  • PXC-3536: Modify processing to not allow threads/queries to be killed if the thread is in TOI

  • PXC-3565: Correct Performance of SELECT in PXC

  • PXC-3502: Correct condition in thd_binlog_format() function for List Index process (Thanks to user Paweł Bromboszcz for reporting this issue)

  • PXC-3501: Modify wsrep_row_upd_check_foreign_constraints() to include foreign key dependencies in the writesets for DELETE query (Thanks to user Steven Gales for reporting this issue)

  • PXC-2913: Correct MDL locks assertion when wsrep provider is unloaded

  • PXC-3475: Adjust mysqld_safe script to parse 8.0 log style properly

Known Issues (unfixed problems that you should be aware of)

  • PXC-3039: No useful error messages if an SSL-disabled node tries to join an SSL-enabled cluster

  • PXC-3092: Log a warning at startup if a keyring is specified, but cluster traffic encryption is turned off

  • PXC-3093: Completed SST Transfer incorrectly logged by garbd (Timing is not correct)

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Last update: 2024-04-09